Bunny ( nov, 22, 2020 |

Female Boston Terrier |
Hi Connie! I'm Robert Tate's wife. We Bought Bunny aka Bella from you. I just wanted to give you an update on her. She is
an absolute doll, and we are very impressed by her breeding and temperament. Thank you! You do a fabulous job with your Puppies.
She is 99 percent potty trained since 13 weeks, knows how to sit and is quickly learning to walk on a leash. We adore her
Thank you again!
Some of my pictures are missing! I'm not sure what happened. But I'm trying to find them. Thanks

Hi Connie. It Karen McGinnis. We were just sitting around and sharing pictures of Pixie. I thought you might like to see
how great she is doing. We love her so much.

She is doing great! She's very well behaved and healthy
Boot |

sent 10/27/16 |
He is doing great! He has played and played! Thanks Again We love him.
Boots |

sent pictures 10/27/16 |
Here are a couple of pics of our spoiled rotten puppy 'Boots"
He is doing very well. He had a ball Last night! We bought him some toys and played with him most of the night.

Sent picture 10/7/16 |
Pearly Female Boston Terrier |

Born 6/17/2016 |
Pearly and her new friend |

born 6/17/2016 |
Pearly 2 months and 1 week old today. We went to the vet Monday. She weighs 5 pounds. The Vet said she was the healthy animal
she had seen all day! Thought you would like to see this!
Piglets male Boston Terrier |

With new momma 11/24/15 |
Thank You So much for him! I luv him so much, he is so Freakin Cute!
Miniature Schnauzer |

Born 5/10/15 |
Miniature Schanuzer |

Born 5/10/15 |
They Love him so much already and he loves the babies! He is doing wonderful! He had to sleep in the bed
with my husband and I ! Thank You!
Treyton Dreher new baby English Bulldog |

Camille was Born 6/30/15 |
She is doing great!!! Love her to death! This picture is the best
I could get she's so active but lazy at the same time LOL she loves eating my hair! We love her to death tho! She has become
apart of our family she's adjusting perfectly!
Teddy New name is Cha-Chi |

Born 6/8/15 Yorkie |
We have renamed Teddy to Cha-Chi. He is thriving. He is eating well, seems to prefer the dry food to the canned. I think
that is because he finds it more challenging to get the canned food out his bowl. However, he will eat it when I spoon-feed
it to him until his attention wavers elsewhere. He is so fast & loves to run & jump. He doesn't seem to care for baths
much, but tolerates them. I got him some puppy cologne & I keep him brushed, so his coat is soft, silky & he smells
good. I have bought him a nice wardrobe, but he is still too small for the XXS. I was only able to secure one outfit
in XXXS. Seems they don't carry those tiny sizes in the states too much, but I did order some from China that haven't arrived
yet. He has a beautiful gold blinged-out collar, but he prefers to play with it opposed to wearing it. He also enjoys pulling
on the Velcro on my granddaughter's shoes, as well as dragging them & his toys across the floor. I don't think he has
any clue how tiny he is.
I love this little energetic guy. He is very smart, uses his puppy pads & only experienced a few accidents. He loves
to bite too, more on us than his chew toys & bones. I attribute that to my son rough-house playing with him. My favorite
time of day with him is when I greet him in the morning, he can hardly contain his excitement & wiggles/skirms uncontrollably
while I pet & sing a song to him.
Thanks again & have a blessed day.
Caruce Chihuahua Puppy |

Born December 2013 |
I came across your name today in my phone list and thought I would
send you a picture. I bought from you December 2013.
Abbie Dachshund Puppy |

Abbie, In charge of the remote! She's so funny and brings so much joy. Still
only 5.2 lbs but thinks she's 100 lbs. She is almost 5 months.
Abbie Dachshund |

Hi I'm Abbie. You called me Missy at one time. Since I left your loving
home, I've had many adventures, I have a best friend named Herbert. We keep momma busy. I just wanted to say hello. Tell everyone
I said HI.
Tank English bulldog born 6/30/15 |

This is Tank, our new English Bulldog we got from Connie. He is the sweetest puppy and gives the best kisses. After meeting
his mom we knew he would be though. She was so calm and great with my 4 year old son. We took Tank to Petsmart to get him
some toys and as soon as we walked through the doors, we had a couple come tell us that he was the prettiest bulldog they've
ever seen. They even asked for Connie's contact info because they were so impressed! Connie is the best breeder. She made
sure we knew all about the breed and how to take care of him, She also checked him before we left to make sure he was ready
to leave, Very loving breeder who breeds the very best dogs. Amanda Dillinger
Crystal baby Yorkshire Terrier |

April 2015 |
He has slept a lot today he ate about an hour ago ate pretty good. He hasn't drank a lot of water yet tho.
He and I both fell asleep and he slept on my chest for over an hour. And after he ate this afternoon he sat down and wined
for me to pick him up he didn't want to walk across the floor he wants to be carried...he is already being spoiled.
He loves to be cuddled and I have had people ask me on facebook were I got him cause they love how he looks. He playing
right now chewing on a chew toy we got him. He is doing good. Thank you for doing such a wonderful job with this baby.
Sophie Mae Miniature Schnauzer |

Casey baby, March 2015 |
Hey this is Casey, I thought I would send u a picture of Sophie Mae and let you see how she is doing, she
spoiled rotten and thinks she is human.
Dachshund with new family |

Feb 2015 |
King of the castle. They have played and played. And thx for meeting us halfway! He's setting in just
fine. Thank you!
Beverly Baby girl |

Miniature Schnauzer Jan 28th 2015 |
Our baby is thriving. She is such a beautiful color. Vet says she is a great dog. Inclosed are a few pictures of her.
Cooper Boston Terrier |

Up Dated Picture from his new mom. |
Here are a few recent pics of Cooper!! I can't thank you enough for giving me an opportunity to be this little man's mom!
He is such a blessing! He loves to play outside! I hope all is well. I will definitely put your name out there for Boston
Terrier breeders! I have had so many people compliment on him! Thanks you again!
Cooper Boston Terrier |

With his new Mommy |
I have been meaning to text you! He is great! I am so thankful
for him! His name is Cooper and he is the sweetest thing.
Rori |

New Mom Beverly Wisser |
She has beautiful coloring. She weighs 12 lbs. a real firecracker. Still looking for another pup from you. Couldn't ask
for a better breeder. My vet is very impressed with her.
Oscar |

New Mom: Sharon Osborn |
Molly 1st Yorkillion |

New Mom Lynette Baumgarden |
Hi Connie, I'm sending you a couple pictures of Molly. She is from your first litter of Yorkillons born February
2011. She is a VERY smart and lovable little girl. She weighs about 4.5 lbs. And we adore her!
Just thought you'd like to see her,
Bubby ( Kent) |

New Mommy Norma Cavello |

Hi Connie
Just a line to let you know ( Kent ) Buddy is doing very good. He went to my Vet on Dec. 3rd and had a full check up,
he was such a good boy and everyone loves him. He had 3 shots and goes back on Dec 17th for more.
Boy does he love the out doors.
His first snow I thought I captured a video on my camera to find out it did not come out, he was so funny and loved it,
he ate 3 snow men as I made them, out in the rain is even funnier . Oh and speaking of out in the rain he rolled in the mud
and had another bath, he had a bath 2 days before going to the vets and he was so cute.
I weighed him when he arrived and he was 4 1/4 lbs, he is now 5 1/2 lbs. I can see him growing every day, he is solid
and strong.
He is sitting when told and coming when I say Buddy come, the words stay, leave it and NO were working on - LOL
I'm working 10 to 12 hours day and Saturdays too so limited on my computer time unless I get a quickie on FB at break
time from my phone.
After the holidays I will send you more pics as he is one precious little guy.
Reading the manuals on my camera and camcorders so the next time I will get the videos of him. Priceless $$$
He is a Tasmanian Devil one minute and an Angel from Heaven the next, our personalities are mixing well. He is definitely
going to be my little Buddy.
Going potty on his papers, pads and out side from day one.
He's making you proud Connie.
I love this little trooper so much.
Thank you again for this precious little guy.
Norma Cavello & family
Kent ( New Name is Buddy) Post 11/24/14 |

Miniature Schnoodle born 9/23/14 |
Oh Connie he is so great I wish you were on FB to see the albums I've posted
on him and see the comments how every body loves him. I have so many pics of his arrival and his playing and being out
doors today in his fleece coat God he is so precious. He is so much fun to watch play and yet so loving wanting to be with
us and held. He is so great going potty on the pee pads , little bugger even sat when I repeated it so he got a treat, when
I gave the come command he took awhile looking at me but did it OK so I had a small treat in my hand. This little guy is awesome
and we LOVE him so much already. I get 50 love comments on face book with this little guy, everyone LOVES him. I asked
my son if I could send you my FB album and we both don't see how to. I
will some how create an album of his first days here for you. God
he is precious. Thank you soooo much for this beautiful little
boy, how could anyone not love him. The way he plays maybe I should have called him Lion King as that is what he thinks he
is. We are going to have a lot of fun together. Today I had him out side as it was nice in his new fleece coat and I am going
to send you a separate e mail of a few pics I LOVE Him, well we all love him . Norma and family Post 11/24/14
Lola ( Molly) With her new family. |

Andrew Polimeni. Thank you for giving her a great new family. |
Lola (Moly) what a great add on to our family, you gave me a great experience getting her from u Calling me at vet check
ups to your grand kids caring so much for her. The airport ride and pics to airport were exciting and of course picking her
up at airport she was very clean and my vet says very healthy. I been recommending Connie's Mans Best Friend to all my friends
there a very caring family: family pics will follow
Christy Westmoreland Baby |

French Bulldog |
Christy Westmoreland French Bulldog baby |

We are so enjoying our new baby! |
She has gone potty outside twice so we are doing really well I think.
We are all crazy about her already. Our dogs are getting to know her but they are being very gentle with her so I think we
have a perfect fit for our family. I think she is adjusting great. She has slept all night
both nights and she is eating great!
Patricia Baby Mia |

We were surfing the Web! LOL |
Patricia Tooley Baby Mia |

French Bulldog |
Hi Connie... I just wanted to let you know Mia is settling in nicely. She slept all night and is such
a sweet lit girl. She is already following me around and comes when I call her name. I'm taking her for her puppy check today.
I just love her! Her Vet check went great! Passes with flying colors!
Stephanie and Leo |

Stephanie Baby Leo |

Yorkshire Terrier |
Hi Connie This is Stephanie, I got Austin from you back in November.
In Honor of Mother's Day I wanted to let you know how grateful I am to you for bringing so much joy to my life. Austin is
now "Leo". We couldn't love him more! He's been amazing! Leo has truly changed my life! Thank You Connie! Happy Mother's
Olive |

Betty Sue Pup Born 1/12/11 |
It's been almost three years since I recieved my dog from you. She was born 1/12/11 . Her mom was Betty Sue. My dog's
name is Olive and she has been the best dog I have ever owned . Thank you again.
Brad Paiml
Tim Born 8/1/13 |

New best friend |
Dave with Comet |

Up dated Picture Was Tim Born 8/1/13 |
My wife just went and peeked in on Wyatt and this is how we found the two of them. :-) This is how Wyatt
and Smokey used to interact, so it is very good to see him bonding with another little buddy. It may be hard to
interpret, but Comet's head is laid over Wyatt's neck and he is belly up. The two of them were so "out" they didn't even
see the flash go off. Dave
Dean born 8/1/13 |

New Friend |
Dean 8/1/13 |

New Friend |
Dean 8/1/13 |

New Friends |
He has adjusted well and is very loved as you can see! Thank you!!!!
Tony 5/29/13 |

Michele new baby |
How sweet, that's great the little ones play with them..it's better for the puppies too so they become friendly,
especially chihuahuas since they attached to one person only n can have a mean temperament.. My chihuahuas love everyone n
are never mean. I will continue to send u more pics as he gets older... Prayers to you n your family.
Maddie ( Bailey) |

born 7/29/13 |
Maddie ( Bailey ) |

Born 7/29/13 |
Hi Connie, it's Patty and Dave, we are here with Maddie (formerly Bailey)
and wanted to wish you a very merry Christmas. Maddie is doing incredibly well. She has completed all of her shots,
is healthy, rambunctious and full of life. She is almost 11 pounds, double her size and experienced her first snowfall
and pictures with Santa Clause this weekend. She rides in the car, plays with other dogs, loves everyone...and chews
We attached pictures with Santa and will stay in touch as she experiences her first Christmas.
Hi Connie,
Maddie is doing very well. We renamed her to Madeline because we just had a Bailey for the last
16 years. She is such a pleasure. She went to the Vet on Tuesday, She is very curious and didn't shake a bit in the car or
the waiting room around other dogs. She is already paper trained! She weighed in at 4.5 pounds. Attached are some pictures.
Thanks so much for everything, Patty and Dave
Maddie ( Was Bailey) 7/29/13 |

Patty and Dave's new baby |
Kimchi Male Chihuahua |

Joan Thormton Baby |
decided together to name him Kimchi. It's a traditiona fermented Korean dish. lol Funny story on the way home, he was freezing
so i put him in my shirt and he laid his head around my neck... well the little guy had gas, horrible gas. I actually thought
he may have used the bathroom, but he didn't. :D So it's kind of funny how his name came about, also my boyfriend John that
you met is half Korean.. his mom is full Korean, so his name will be very easy for her. I just wanted to send you a few pictures
of him playing with his new best friend Sophie. He is already spoilt rotten, he won't let us out of his site and constantly
wants me to hold him.. and that is quite alright because we have loved him since we saw his picture. He will be so well taken
care of, and we thank you again for allowing us to add this handsome little guy We just love him so much. He's constantly putting a smile on his face.
He's almost puppy pad trained completely, he has accidents on occasion, but for the most part he uses his puppy
pads. He has a lot of spunk for a little guy. It's quite alright, i understand. I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures.
You are more than welcome, he's a special boy for sure. We are lucky to have him. Alright i sure will, because he is growing
so fast. God bless!
Joan Thornton
Little Man |

Maureen Clontz baby |
Hi Connie! It has been almost a month since Little Man came home to live. I will send more
pictures after this message. He is doing great and just thriving! He eats like a litle pig and has probably put on an ounce
or two. His coat is very shiny! He loves to play with and chase his sister Phoebe. Outside, he loves to chew and chase
sticks and balls. The vet says he's doing great.He has some allergies so he is on the real good Blue Buffalo Small Breed.
He has slept with all of us since his first night here and, potty training is coming along nicely. He has a joyful,
inquisitive and bold personality. He doesn't fear much so, I keep a good eye on him. Since he has such a big heart, we gave
him a big name, Samson (as in & Delilah!). His nicknames are Little Man or Butterbean. He has stolen all our hearts
and, he is dearly loved. Thank you again for such a sweet boy-more pictures to follow. Blessings, Maureen Clontz
Shih Tzu BoBo |

Felicia Lawson 2011 |
This is the baby we bought from you for our daughter. We thank you so much he is all of our
baby and is so precious. Our family is complete now. And I couldn't thank you enough for being so kind. Funny thing is he
won't sleep alone. He's so spoiled he will only sleep when he's held or laying on a pillow in bed. He went to the beach for
vacation in July and loves jumping at the waves hittin the sand. Bobo rides to take the kids to school ever day in a car seat
, he is never alone and loves the groomer. She sees him ever 2 weeks like clock work and he kisses her but is always ready
to come home and goes silly running from room to room looking for ever one like he has to show his hair cut off. It's super
funny to watch him. He plays with his toys and when he's done puts them on his bed that is in the living room. Wish the kids
picked up so well. If ask him where's mama he says mama. I have it on video it's adorable. If you ask him if he wants
to go byby he gets his collar by his bed and brings it. He sits , he stands on his hind legs and walks to you. He is amazing.
But he is a child in our home that we could've never lived without. Our family was completed with him. And we can never thank
you so much. Felicia Lawson
Hi Connie! We named our little guy "Rocky". He's a smart little
puppy and protective too that's why we named
him Rocky. My wife has taught him how to sit, lay down, give me your paw and high five and roll over. Everyone
loves him and he's spoil too by us. He's really smart. We are very happy with him. We've taken him
to the vet and everything looks good per the vet. I'll send you some pictures of him later on today. He's
grown. He's a happy little guy. We have a half of acre of land in the back fenced in and he runs all day in the
yard. He's also very protective when he sees someone he starts barking at them. He also loves to pounce
on things. Did he play with cats? Anyway we are very happy with Rocky! Look for the pictures.
Sorry I'm just getting back to you.
Thanks again!!
Yorkillon Female 2012 |

Summer baby girl Lily |
Hi Connie! I just wanted to give you an update on our girl. She's doing so well with us. She loves to chew and
nibble. lol She's just a model puppy. We love her a little more each day. She's very sweet and adorable and everybody
she meets is just charmed beyond belief! I snapped a few pics last night so I'll try to get them loaded and send you some
this weekend. Hope things are well. I even gave you a referral already. One of the teachers asked for your info. Gave her
your website. She's thinking of getting her family a poochie around Christmas. I'll be in touch again soon. Take care of you
and yours, Summer
Up Date From Summer::
Hi Connie, I hope this little note finds you and your family well. I've been wanting to send you some
pictures of Lily for a long time but my camera bailed on me so I figured I could atleast drop you a message and update you
on my girl. A co-worker was asking me about you again today, thinking of getting her kids a pup for christmas now that it's
getting close. I gave her your info. and it made me feel bad thinking about you and that you haven't heard from us recently.
I have to thank you again for
bringing Lily into my life. She has blessed my life so much..well OUR lives, but mine especially. I've been in love with her
since before I got her, but now she's just the little light of my life. My daughter started college in the fall and so many
times it is just Lily and I because my son's mostly at his dad's and is busy with football and his girlfriend. They all love
her too. Hannah misses her a lot but she's less than an hour away so Lily and I get to see her usually at least weekly. She
even has my boyfriend at least a little wrapped around the finger..haha
Let me tell you about Lily. She
is so very adorable! Better than that though, she is just so, so sweet. She loves mama best of course, but she loves EVERYBODY.
Family, friends, and strangers alike. She eats attention up like a big piece of cake, which is great because she goes with
me whenever and whereever possible and she gets a HUGE amount of attention! She is friendly and outgoing and loves to give
everyone kisses galore. She doesn't bark much at all and for the most part, listens very well. she has learned a few simple
little things, sit etc. She even gives us her version of High fives during football games! haha..so cute.
She is paper\pad trained in the
house..though she often catches the edge of the paper her heart is in the right place. lol. She also goes outside. She LOVES
being outside and we spend as much time as we can when i'm not working going for walks around the yard or in the woods and
parks if we can. She does very well on a leash but enjoys it more when she's not, as she dearly loves to explore. That's why
we try to get into the woods or more private places as much as possible. She has her own little set-up in my laundry room
now. All of her things are there and that's her nesting ground, where she spends her time when nobody's home.
I guess I should get back to work.
I just wanted to thank you again and let you know how she was doing and that she is loved loved loved. She is my girl and
I don't know what I'd ever do without her. Hopefully I'll get a good camera soon so I can share some pics with you again.
She looks much like a yorkie, with bigger ears and her curly little tail. I'll try to do that soon. Take care of yourself
:) Summer
Chihuaha Female |

Linda Little lady Mylee |
Just wanted to send you a picture of Mylee (Juliet). She is doing great and is soooo spoiled.
Linda Estell
Miniature Schnauzer |

Chuck & Lou baby Ms Murphy 2012 |
Hope this finds you and your family doing well. Just wanted to send updated pictures of Ms Murphy as she has grown a
lot and is currently at 19 lbs. 6 oz. She is a bundle of joy for both of us and hasn't slowed down at all. She loves to play
and run around our 3 acre's. She is in excellent health and we can't thank-you enough for allowing us to adopt her. There
is one picture from when we came home with her the first day and one this past Christmas and a few in April 2012.
& Lou Rissinger